What Is a Dieline in Printing and Packaging?
In the packaging and printing industry, the term “dieline” refers to a template needed to ensure the correct layout of a final physical package.
Brandon Malz stepped in as CEO at GlobalVision in 2021, paving the way for the second generation of company leadership. His engineering background and passion for sciences and understanding how things work have led him to his role today.
Brandon is dedicated to solving market problems with innovative technologies and is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. His content contributions are focused on technical education and business-focused discussions.
In the packaging and printing industry, the term “dieline” refers to a template needed to ensure the correct layout of a final physical package.
In spite of a whole industry dedicated to it, very few people know what prepress is. “Prepress” is used in the printing industry to refer to all of a commercial printer’s activities after they receive an order […]
Errors in packaging components arise all the time and are part of the game. They are unavoidable, but, what is a surprise to most people, is that spelling mistakes are the most common.
The packaging industry is evolving. We now know that packaging no longer refers to a box or a carton, but rather to a coordinated system of preparing goods for safe, cost-effective, and efficient movement […]
More than in any other sector, pristine packaging is critical to ensuring success in the pharmaceutical industry. Aside from being visually appealing, packaging must be free from the 5 most common critical mistakes […]
What Does Data Integrity Mean? Data integrity refers to the fact that data must be reliable and accurate over its entire lifecycle. Data integrity and data security go hand in hand, even though they’re separate concepts.
It’s a bit of a conundrum in our technologically advanced day and age, but, without barcodes to scan, the retail world would effectively grind to a halt. The dependency is understandable though, as barcodes […]
From a business perspective, it makes sense to avoid waste whenever possible. Print waste in particular costs companies time and money, since any mistakes made during a print run will have to be corrected [...]
The invention of the printing press is often understated in terms of its importance, with the advent of the digital age in which we now live. It’s true that these days, people can go entire days without reading something […]
What’s at stake with a product misspelling? For any other type of business, it would mean a complete recall – costly, but maybe otherwise harmless. When it comes to the pharmaceutical industry, a whole […]