The Kallik VeracitiTM and Verify Integration

An Integration for Faster Labeling and Artwork Approvals

Fast, Smart, Compliant Labeling

Long-time partners Kallik and GlobalVision join forces to accelerate artwork and labeling workflows, automate compliance checks, and drive digital transformation goals*
*Kallik is recognized as a market-leader by Gartner in every segment of the LAM (Label Asset Management) market.

Connect Systems To Make Proofreading Tasks Easier

Make the most of your teams’ time with comprehensive quality checks with one click from Kallik VeracitiTM
creative design Icon

Creative Design

Easily generate flawless artwork and labelling files with pixel-to-pixel Graphics Compare
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Regulatory Affairs

Say good-bye to long submission cycle times with character-for-character Text Compare
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Labeling Compliance

Ensure global labeling compliance from text, to graphics, barcode, and braille
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“Our partnership with GlobalVision drives accuracy and eliminates errors in regulated industries. Together, we innovate to enhance patient and consumer outcomes, offering an unparalleled end-to-end solution for artwork management and labeling.”

Gurdip Singh

CEO at Kallik

See the VeracitiTM and
Verify Integration in Action

Experience the magic of this integration on your team’s artwork and labeling assets.