Home 9 GVD Best Practices Guide 9 Define Shape by Region

Define Shape by Region

What Does This Feature Do?

The “Shape by region” feature is used to define the inspection of complex shapes when the option of using layers or separations is not possible. This tool is typically used when the layers and/or separations are not created properly in the PDF.

Why Use this Feature?

This feature helps prepare files for inspection without using the cropping tool for complex shapes. It is also used to define the inspection area based on the largest area being selected. This allows for less pre-inspection work for a more efficient inspection process.

When To Use It

  • Use the “Shape by region” function when there are layers or separations defined in the artwork.

When Not To Use It

  • You will not be able to use the “Shape by region” function with flattened files.

Expert Tips

  • Test layers and separations by turning them on and off to see what impact they have on the file.
  • Apply a mask to the “Shape by region” function by using the option “Ignore edges” in the profile setup.

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Make sure to visit The GVD Best Practices Guide for more helpful tips!

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Color Inspection: Scan to Scan

Define Shape by Region

What Does This Feature Do?

The “Shape by region” feature is used to define the inspection of complex shapes when the option of using layers or separations is not possible. This tool is typically used when the layers and/or separations are not created properly in the PDF.

Why Use this Feature?

This feature helps prepare files for inspection without using the cropping tool for complex shapes. It is also used to define the inspection area based on the largest area being selected. This allows for less pre-inspection work for a more efficient inspection process.

When To Use It

  • Use the “Shape by region” function when there are layers or separations defined in the artwork.

When Not To Use It

  • You will not be able to use the “Shape by region” function with flattened files.

Expert Tips

  • Test layers and separations by turning them on and off to see what impact they have on the file.
  • Apply a mask to the “Shape by region” function by using the option “Ignore edges” in the profile setup.

See it in Action


Make sure to visit The GVD Best Practices Guide for more helpful tips!

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Color Inspection: Scan to Scan