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Ready for a New Verify Release? 2023.2 is Here

GlobalVision’s latest and most innovative cloud-based proofreading technology just got an upgrade. Verify 2023.2 is now live!

With this latest release, users can expect a heightened and more streamlined automated proofreading experience. This upgraded version comes equipped with new features and capabilities that not only enhance the user experience but also improve the accuracy and efficiency of quality inspections. Verify 2023.2 ensures a seamless and user-friendly proofreading experience while delivering superior results.

Innovation in Proofreading Software

GlobalVision has devoted significant effort in recent years to developing Verify, a state-of-the-art cloud-based proofreading solution designed for regulated industries.

This innovative technology has been widely adopted by pharmaceutical companies, consumer goods brands, and agencies seeking to streamline their proofreading processes.

Verify's automated proofreading platform promotes efficient work processes and enables the creation of higher-quality content in record time. Its advanced features and capabilities make it a best-in-class solution for companies striving to optimize their proofreading efforts.

What Does Verify 2023.2 Bring?

One of the most noteworthy enhancements of Verify 2023.2 is its improved text inspection accuracy. The Text Inspection 2 algorithm has been improved to deliver superior inspection quality and accuracy, resulting in a smoother, more seamless proofreading experience for users.

Verify 2023.2 also brings the addition of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which will be available for a group of select users. Here is a detailed overview of what Verify 2023.2 brings:

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) available to select customers:

  • OCR allows users to inspect flattened text on documents such as promotional material screenshots and supplier proofs by converting the digital image into a readable text format.

Spell Check Improvement:

  • Ability to whitelist certain special characters in Custom Dictionaries

Several Text Inspection 2 algorithm issues have been resolved, including:

  • False positives related to underlined differences decreased by 86% on average
  • Duplicated differences showing in the Results Panel
  • Differences not being displayed in the right order in the Results Panel
  • Non-completion of certain inspections

Who Can Benefit From This Release?

While Verify caters to regulatory affairs and promotional teams across all industries, it offers significant advantages to those working in enterprise-level pharmaceuticals and consumer packaged goods.

With the addition of OCR, an otherwise high-demand feature for brands and agencies, Verify will also be extremely beneficial for marketing and advertising industries as well as promotional departments in regulated industries specifically.Whether you are part of a creative or technical team, Verify 2023.2 is guaranteed to improve your proofreading and revision processes.

Our user-friendly and comprehensive platform provides ease of use, convenience, and simplicity, making it a crucial resource for professionals across industries.

A Heightened Proofreading Experience

With Verify 2023.2, users can expect to experience a heightened proofreading experience through many Text Inspection 2 enhancements and the addition of Optical Character Recognition.Its advanced features and capabilities make it a powerful resource for companies seeking to streamline their proofreading efforts and increase their quality control processes.

Through constant innovation, Verify 2023.2 ensures a seamless and user-friendly proofreading experience, delivering superior inspection results.

If you are interested in a more personalized overview of Verify, request a demo here or take advantage of a free trial to discover how Verify can specifically benefit your team's quality control processes.

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